
class chemcat.Thermo_Prop[source]
Descriptor objects that automate setting the elemental abundances.

To understand this sorcery see:

Initialize self.  See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
class chemcat.Network(pressure, temperature, input_species, metallicity=0.0, e_abundances={}, e_scale={}, e_ratio={}, e_source='asplund_2021', sources=['janaf', 'cea'])[source]
A chemcat chemical network object.

pressure: 1D float iterable
    Pressure profile (bar).
temperature: 1D float iterable
    Temperature profile (Kelvin).
input_species: 1D string iterable
    List of atomic, molecular, and ionic species to include in the
    chemical network.  Species not found in the database will be
metallicity: Float
    Scaling factor for all elemental species except H and He.
    Dex units relative to the sun (e.g., solar is metallicity=0.0,
    10x solar is metallicity=1.0).
e_abundances: Dictionary
    Custom elemental abundances.
    The dict contains the name of the element and their custom
    abundance in dex units relative to H=12.0.
    These values override metallicity.
e_scale: Dictionary
    Custom elemental abundances scaled relative to solar values.
    The dict contains the name of the element and their custom
    scaling factor in dex units, e.g., for 2x solar carbon set
    e_scale = {'C': np.log10(2.0)}.
    This argument modifies the abundances on top of any custom
    metallicity and e_abundances.
e_ratio: Dictionary
    Custom elemental abundances scaled relative to another element.
    The dict contains the pair of elements joined by an underscore
    and their ratio, e.g., for a C/O ratio of 0.8 set
    e_ratio = {'C_O': 0.8}.
    These values modify the abundances on top of any custom
    metallicity, e_abundances, and e_scale.
e_source: String
    Source of elemental composition used as base composition.
    If value is 'asplund_2021' or 'asplund_2009', adopt the
    solar elemental composition values from Asplund+2009 or
    Asplund+2021, respectively.
    Else, assume e_source is a path to a custom elemental
    composition file.
sources: List of strings
    Name of databases where to get the thermochemical properties
    (in order of priority).  Available options: 'janaf' or 'cea'.

>>> import chemcat as cat
>>> import chemcat.utils as u
>>> import numpy as np

>>> nlayers = 81
>>> temperature = np.tile(1200.0, nlayers)
>>> pressure = np.logspace(-8, 3, nlayers)
>>> molecules = (
>>>     'H2O CH4 CO CO2 NH3 N2 H2 HCN OH C2H2 C2H4 H He C N O').split()
>>> net = cat.Network(pressure, temperature, molecules)

>>> # Compute abundances in thermochemical equilibrium:
>>> vmr = net.thermochemical_equilibrium()

>>> # See results:
>>> ax = u.plot_vmr(pressure, vmr, net.species, vmr_range=(1e-30,2))

>>> # Compute heat capacity:
>>> cp = net.heat_capacity()
>>> print(f'Heat capacity (cp/R):\n{cp[0]}')
Heat capacity (cp/R):
[5.26408044 9.48143057 4.11030773 6.77638503 7.34238673 4.05594463
 3.72748083 6.3275286  3.79892261 2.49998117 2.49998117 2.50082308
 2.49998117 2.51092596]
Evaluate the Gibbs free energy of each species in the network
at the given temperature (default to self.temperature if needed).
Evaluate the heat capacity of each species in the network
at the given temperature (default to self.temperature if needed).
thermochemical_equilibrium(temperature=None, metallicity=None, e_abundances=None, e_scale=None, e_ratio=None, savefile=None)[source]
Compute thermochemical-equilibrium abundances, update the
atmospheric properties according to any non-None argument.

temperature: 1D float iterable
    Temperature profile (Kelvin).
    Must have same number of layers as self.pressure.
metallicity: Float
    Scaling factor for all elemental species except H and He.
    Dex units relative to the sun (e.g., solar is metallicity=0.0,
    10x solar is metallicity=1.0).
e_abundances: Dictionary
    Elemental abundances for custom species set as
    {element: abundance} pairs in dex units relative to H=12.0.
    These values override metallicity.
e_scale: Dictionary
    Custom elemental abundances scaled relative to solar values.
    The dict contains the name of the element and their custom
    scaling factor in dex units, e.g., for 2x solar carbon set
    e_scale = {'C': np.log10(2.0)}.
    This argument modifies the abundances on top of any custom
    metallicity and e_abundances.
e_ratio: Dictionary
    Custom elemental abundances scaled relative to another element.
    The dict contains the pair of elements joined by an underscore
    and their ratio, e.g., for a C/O ratio of 0.8 set
    e_ratio = {'C_O': 0.8}.
    These values modify the abundances on top of any custom
    metallicity, e_abundances, and e_scale.
savefile: String
    If not None, store vmr outputs to given file path.

vmr: 2D float array
    Species volume mixing ratios in thermochemical equilibrium
    of shape [nlayers, nspecies].


chemcat.cea.is_in(species, thermo_file=None)[source]
Element-wise check whether species name exist in CEA database.
species: 1D iterable of strings
    Names of species to search in the database.
thermo_file: String
    Optional ThermoBuild CEA database file path.
in_database: 1D bool array
    Flag whether each species is in the database.
>>> import chemcat.cea as cea
>>> species = 'H2O (KOH)2 HO2 CO'.split()
>>> in_cea = cea.is_in(species)
>>> for spec, is_in in zip(species, in_cea):
>>>     print(f'{spec:6s}  {is_in}')
H2O     True
(KOH)2  False
HO2     True
CO      True
chemcat.cea.read_thermo_build(species, thermo_file=None)[source]
Read data from NASA's CEA thermoBuild file.

species: 1D iterable of string
    List of species names to extract their info.
thermo_file: String
    Path to a file containing CEA ThermoBuild data.

thermo_data: Dict
    A dictionary containing the species thermal properties from the
    CEA database (one entry for each species):
    name: String
        Species name.
    stoich: Dict
        Stoichiometric value of the species as element-value pairs.
    a_coeffs: 2D float ndarray
        Polynomial coefficients to reproduce the heat capacity data.
    b_coeffs: 2D float ndarray
        Integration constants to obtain the enthalpy and entropy.
    t_coeffs: 1D float ndarray
        Temperature intervals of validity for each set of coefficients.

>>> import chemcat.cea as cea

>>> # A simple HCNO network:
>>> hcno_species = 'H2O CH4 CO CO2 NH3 HCN N2 H2 H He'.split()
>>> hcno_thermo_data = cea.read_thermo_build(hcno_species)

>>> # Network will all species from the database:
>>> all_thermo_data = cea.read_thermo_build(species=None)
chemcat.cea.heat_func(a_coeffs, t_coeffs)[source]
Generate a callable that evaluates the molar heat capacity
at a given temperature array.

a_coeffs: 2D float ndarray
    Polynomial coefficients to reproduce the heat capacity data.
t_coeffs: 1D float ndarray
    Temperature intervals of validity for each set of coefficients.

heat: Callable
    A function heat(temperature) that evaluates the molar heat
    capacity, cp(T)/R, for a given temperature input
    (which can be a single value or a 1D iterable).

>>> import chemcat.cea as cea

>>> data = cea.read_thermo_build(['H2O'])[0]
>>> heat = cea.heat_func(
>>>     data['a_coeffs'], data['t_coeffs'])

>>> print(heat(300.0))
>>> print(heat([300.0, 1000.0, 3000.0]))
[4.04063805 4.96614188 6.8342561 ]
chemcat.cea.gibbs_func(a_coeffs, b_coeffs, t_coeffs)[source]
Generate a callable that evaluates the Gibbs free energy
for a given temperature array.

a_coeffs: 2D float ndarray
    Polynomial coefficients to reproduce the heat capacity data.
b_coeffs: 2D float ndarray
    Integration constants to obtain the enthalpy and entropy.
t_coeffs: 1D float ndarray
    Temperature intervals of validity for each set of coefficients.

gibbs: Callable
    A function gibbs(temperature) that evaluates the Gibbs free
    energy, G(T)/RT, for a given temperature input (which can be
    a single value or a 1D iterable).

>>> import chemcat.cea as cea

>>> data = cea.read_thermo_build(['H2O'])[0]
>>> gibbs = cea.gibbs_func(
>>>     data['a_coeffs'], data['b_coeffs'], data['t_coeffs'])

>>> print(gibbs(300.0))
>>> print(gibbs([300.0, 1000.0, 3000.0]))
[-119.66025955  -53.94898416  -39.09425268]
Extract CEA thermal data for a requested chemical system.

species: 1D string iterable
    Species to search in the CEA data base.

species: 1D string array
    Species found in the CEA database (might differ from
    input_species if there are species not found on the database).
heat_capacity: 1D list of callable objects
    Functions that evaluate the species's heat capacity (cp/R)
    at requested temperatures.
gibbs_free_energy: 1D list of callable objects
    Functions that evaluate the species's Gibbs free energy (G/RT)
    at requested temperatures.
stoich_data: List of dictionaries
    Stoichiometric data (as dictionary of element-value pairs) for
    a list of species.

>>> import chemcat.cea as cea

>>> molecules = 'H2O CH4 CO CO2 NH3 N2 H2 HCN OH H He C N O'.split()
>>> species, heat_capacity, gibbs, stoich_data = \
>>>     cea.setup_network(molecules)

>>> for spec, stoich in zip(species, stoich_data):
>>>     print(f'{spec:3s}:  {stoich}')
H2O:  {'H': 2.0, 'O': 1.0}
CH4:  {'C': 1.0, 'H': 4.0}
CO :  {'C': 1.0, 'O': 1.0}
CO2:  {'C': 1.0, 'O': 2.0}
NH3:  {'N': 1.0, 'H': 3.0}
N2 :  {'N': 2.0}
H2 :  {'H': 2.0}
HCN:  {'H': 1.0, 'C': 1.0, 'N': 1.0}
OH :  {'O': 1.0, 'H': 1.0}
H  :  {'H': 1.0}
He :  {'He': 1.0}
C  :  {'C': 1.0}
N  :  {'N': 1.0}
O  :  {'O': 1.0}
chemcat.cea.find_species(elements, charge='neutral', num_atoms=None)[source]
Find all CEA species that contain the specified properties
(elements, charge, state).

elements: Dict or 1D string iterable
    - A list of elements that must be present in the species, or
    - A dictionary of elements and their stoichiometric values.
charge: String
    If 'neutral', limit the output only to neutrally charged species.
    If 'ion', limit the output only to charged species.
    Else, do not limit output.
num_atoms: Integer
    Limit the number of atoms to the requested value.

species: 1D string array
    List of all species containing the required elements.

>>> import chemcat.cea as cea
>>> # Get all sodium-bearing species:
>>> species = cea.find_species(['Na'])
>>> print(species)
['KNa' 'Na' 'NaCN' 'NaH' 'NaNO2' 'NaNO3' 'NaO' 'NaOH' 'Na2' 'Na2O' 'Na2O2'

>>> # Get species containing exactly two Na atoms:
>>> species = cea.find_species({'Na':2})
>>> print(species)
['Na2' 'Na2O' 'Na2O2' 'Na2O2H2']

>>> # Species containing exactly two Na atoms and any amount of oxygen:
>>> species = cea.find_species({'Na':2, 'O':None})
>>> print(species)
['Na2O' 'Na2O2' 'Na2O2H2']

>>> # Get all species containing sodium and oxygen (any amount):
>>> species = cea.find_species(['Na', 'O'])
>>> print(species)
['NaNO2' 'NaNO3' 'NaO' 'NaOH' 'Na2O' 'Na2O2' 'Na2O2H2']

>>> # Get all hydrogen-ion species:
>>> H_ions= cea.find_species(['H'], charge='ion')
>>> print(H_ions)
['CH+' 'CH2OH+' 'H+' 'H-' 'HCO+' 'HD+' 'HO2-' 'H2+' 'H2-' 'H2O+' 'H3O+'
 'NH+' 'NH4+' 'NaOH+' 'OH+' 'OH-' 'MgOH+' 'SH-' 'SiH+']

>>> # Only diatomic Na species:
>>> diatomic = cea.find_species(['Na'], num_atoms=2, charge='all')
>>> print(diatomic)
['KNa' 'NaH' 'NaO' 'Na2']


Element-wise check whether species name exist in CEA database.

species: 1D iterable of strings
    Names of species to search in the database.

in_database: 1D bool array
    Flag whether each species is in the database.

>>> import chemcat.janaf as janaf
>>> species = 'H2O (KOH)2 HO2 CO'.split()
>>> in_janaf = janaf.is_in(species)
>>> for spec, is_in in zip(species, in_janaf):
>>>     print(f'{spec:6s}  {is_in}')
H2O     True
(KOH)2  True
HO2     False
CO      True
Convert species names to their respective JANAF file names.

species: String or 1D string iterable
    Species to search.

janaf_names: 1D string array
    Array of janaf filenames.  If a species is not found,
    return None in its place.

>>> import chemcat.janaf as janaf
>>> species = 'H2O CH4 CO CO2 H2 e- H- H+ H2+ Na'.split()
>>> janaf_species = janaf.get_filenames(species)
>>> for mol, jname in zip(species, janaf_species):
>>>     print(f'{mol:5}  {jname}')
H2O    H-064.txt
CH4    C-067.txt
CO     C-093.txt
CO2    C-095.txt
H2     H-050.txt
e-     D-020.txt
H-     H-003.txt
H+     H-002.txt
H2+    H-051.txt
Na     Na-005.txt
Read a JANAF file to extract tabulated thermal properties.

janaf_file: 1D string array
    A JANAF filename.

temps: 1D double array
    Tabulated JANAF temperatures (K).
heat_capacity: 1D double array
    Tabulated JANAF heat capacity cp/R (unitless).
gibbs_free_energy: 1D double array
    Tabulated JANAF Gibbs free energy G/RT (unitless).

>>> import chemcat.janaf as janaf
>>> janaf_file = 'H-064.txt'  # Water
>>> temps, heat, gibbs = janaf.read_file(janaf_file)
>>> for i in range(5):
>>>     print(f'{temps[i]:6.2f}  {heat[i]:.3f}  {gibbs[i]:.3f}')
100.00  4.005  -317.133
200.00  4.011  -168.505
298.15  4.040  -120.263
300.00  4.041  -119.662
400.00  4.121  -95.583

>>> temps, heat, gibbs = janaf.read_file(janaf_file)
>>> for i in range(5):
>>>     print(f'{temps[i]:6.2f}  {heat[i]:.3f}')
298.15  2.500  -2.523
300.00  2.500  -2.523
350.00  2.500  -2.554
400.00  2.500  -2.621
450.00  2.500  -2.709
chemcat.janaf.read_stoich(species=None, janaf_file=None, formula=None)[source]
Get the stoichiometric data from the JANAF data base for the
requested species.

species: String
    A species name (takes precedence over janaf_file argument).
janaf_file: String
    A JANAF filename.
formula: String
    A chemical formula in JANAF format (takes precedence over
    species and janaf_file arguments).

stoich: Dictionary
    Dictionary containing the stoichiometric values for the
    requested species. The dict's keys are the elements/electron
    names and their values are the respective stoich values.

>>> import chemcat.janaf as janaf
>>> # From species name:
>>> for species in 'C H2O e- H2+'.split():
>>>     print(f'{species}:  {janaf.read_stoich(species)}')
C:  {'C': 1.0}
H2O:  {'H': 2.0, 'O': 1.0}
e-:  {'e': 1.0}
H2+:  {'e': -1, 'H': 2.0}

>>> # From JANAF filename:
>>> print(janaf.read_stoich(janaf_file='H-064.txt'))
{'H': 2.0, 'O': 1.0}

>>> # Or directly from the chemical formula:
>>> print(janaf.read_stoich(formula='H3O1+'))
{'e': -1, 'H': 3.0, 'O': 1.0}
Extract JANAF thermal data for a requested chemical network.

species: 1D string iterable
    Species to search in the JANAF data base.

species: 1D string array
    Species found in the JANAF database (might differ from input_species).
heat_capacity_splines: 1D list of numpy splines
    Splines sampling the species' heat capacity/R.
gibbs_free_energy: 1D list of callable objects
    Functions that return the species's Gibbs free energy, G/RT.
stoich_data: List of Dictionaries
    Stoichiometric data (as dictionary of element-value pairs) for
    a list of species.

>>> import chemcat.janaf as janaf

>>> molecules = 'H2O CH4 CO CO2 NH3 N2 H2 HCN OH H He C N O'.split()
>>> species, cp_funcs, gibbs_funcs, stoich_data = \
>>>     janaf.setup_network(molecules)

>>> for spec, stoich in zip(species, stoich_data):
>>>     print(f'{spec:3s}:  {stoich}')
H2O:  {'H': 2.0, 'O': 1.0}
CH4:  {'C': 1.0, 'H': 4.0}
CO :  {'C': 1.0, 'O': 1.0}
CO2:  {'C': 1.0, 'O': 2.0}
NH3:  {'H': 3.0, 'N': 1.0}
N2 :  {'N': 2.0}
H2 :  {'H': 2.0}
HCN:  {'C': 1.0, 'H': 1.0, 'N': 1.0}
OH :  {'H': 1.0, 'O': 1.0}
H  :  {'H': 1.0}
He :  {'He': 1.0}
C  :  {'C': 1.0}
N  :  {'N': 1.0}
O  :  {'O': 1.0}
chemcat.janaf.find_species(elements, charge='neutral', num_atoms=None, state='gas')[source]
Find all JANAF species that contain the specified properties
(elements, charge, state).

elements: Dict or 1D string iterable
    - A list of elements that must be present in the species, or
    - A dictionary of elements and their stoichiometric values.
charge: String
    If 'neutral', limit the output only to neutrally charged species.
    If 'ion', limit the output only to charged species.
    Else, do not limit output.
num_atoms: Integer
    Limit the number of atoms to the requested value.
state: String
    If 'gas', limit the output to gaseous species.

species: 1D string array
    List of all species containing the required elements.

>>> import chemcat.janaf as janaf

>>> # Get all sodium-bearing species:
>>> salts = janaf.find_species(['Na'])
>>> print(salts)
['LiONa' 'Na2' 'Na2SO4' 'NaAlF4' 'NaBO2' '(NaBr)2' 'NaBr' '(NaCl)2' 'NaCl'
 '(NaCN)2' 'NaCN' '(NaF)2' 'NaF' 'Na' 'NaH' 'NaO' '(NaOH)2' 'NaOH']

>>> # Get species containing exactly two Na atoms:
>>> species = janaf.find_species({'Na':2})
>>> print(species)
['Na2' 'Na2SO4' '(NaBr)2' '(NaCl)2' '(NaCN)2' '(NaF)2' '(NaOH)2']

>>> # Species containing exactly two Na atoms and any amount of oxygen:
>>> species = janaf.find_species({'Na':2, 'O':None})
>>> print(species)
['Na2SO4' '(NaOH)2']

>>> # Get all species containing sodium and oxygen (any amount):
>>> species = janaf.find_species(['Na', 'O'])
>>> print(species)
['LiONa' 'Na2SO4' 'NaBO2' 'NaO' '(NaOH)2' 'NaOH']

>>> # Get all hydrogen-ion species:
>>> H_ions = janaf.find_species(['H'], charge='ion')
>>> print(H_ions)
['AlOH-' 'AlOH+' 'BaOH+' 'BeH+' 'BeOH+' 'CaOH+' 'CH+' 'CsOH+' 'H2-' 'H2+'
 'H3O+' 'HBO-' 'HBO+' 'HBS+' 'HCO+' 'HD-' 'HD+' 'H-' 'H+' 'KOH+' 'LiOH+'
 'MgOH+' 'NaOH+' 'OH-' 'OH+' 'SiH+' 'SrOH+']

>>> # Only diatomic Na species:
>>> diatomic = janaf.find_species(['Na'], num_atoms=2, charge='all')
>>> print(diatomic)
['Na2' 'NaBr' 'NaCl' 'NaF' 'NaH' 'NaO' 'NaO-']


['royalblue', 'darkorange', 'red', 'darkgreen', 'magenta', 'blue', 'limegreen', 'gold', 'dimgray', 'navy', 'deepskyblue', 'silver', 'black', 'olive', 'chocolate', 'skyblue', 'darkviolet', 'greenyellow', 'pink', 'coral', 'darkcyan', 'rosybrown', 'cornflowerblue', 'mediumvioletred', 'maroon', 'darkgoldenrod', 'darkkhaki', 'hotpink', 'darkslateblue', 'lightgreen', 'yellowgreen', 'seagreen', 'yellow', 'slateblue', 'sienna', 'peachpuff', 'orangered', 'goldenrod', 'brown', 'khaki', 'saddlebrown', 'mediumseagreen', 'darksalmon', 'cadetblue', 'mediumaquamarine', 'darkslategray', 'lightsteelblue', 'indigo', 'lightcoral', 'lightslategray', 'lawngreen', 'lightblue', 'darkseagreen', 'sandybrown', 'tan', 'slategray', 'steelblue', 'wheat', 'mediumslateblue', 'mediumorchid', 'cyan', 'springgreen', 'lime', 'dodgerblue', 'deeppink', 'mediumblue', 'green', 'tomato', 'crimson', 'palegoldenrod', 'lightsalmon', 'forestgreen', 'orchid', 'turquoise', 'darkolivegreen', 'lightseagreen', 'violet', 'salmon', 'indianred', 'rebeccapurple', 'peru', 'darkturquoise', 'lightskyblue', 'plum', 'aquamarine', 'mediumspringgreen', 'orange', 'purple', 'midnightblue', 'darkgray', 'darkorchid', 'blueviolet', 'teal', 'darkmagenta', 'palevioletred', 'firebrick', 'mediumpurple', 'gainsboro']
{'H': 'blue', 'H2': 'deepskyblue', 'He': 'olive', 'C': 'coral', 'CH4': 'darkorange', 'CO': 'limegreen', 'CO2': 'red', 'HCN': 'dimgray', 'C2H2': 'pink', 'C2H4': 'deeppink', 'N': 'darkviolet', 'NH3': 'magenta', 'N2': 'gold', 'O': 'greenyellow', 'H2O': 'navy', 'OH': 'darkkhaki', 'Si': 'lightslategray', 'SiO': 'darkturquoise', 'SiH4': 'mediumvioletred', 'Na': 'silver', '(NaCl)2': 'maroon', '(NaOH)2': 'hotpink', 'NaCl': 'rosybrown', 'K': 'black', '(KCl)2': 'chocolate', '(KOH)2': 'darkslateblue', 'KOH': 'lightgreen', 'KCl': 'darksalmon', 'S': 'cornflowerblue', 'H2S': 'darkgoldenrod', 'HS': 'yellowgreen', 'SO': 'mediumseagreen', 'SO2': 'skyblue', 'Al': 'khaki', 'AlOH': 'steelblue', 'Al2O': 'seagreen', 'OAlOH': 'tomato', 'Ca': 'orange', 'Ca(OH)2': 'indigo', 'e': 'darkgreen', 'Ti': 'crimson', 'TiO': 'brown', 'TiO2': 'indianred', 'VO': 'aquamarine', 'VO2': 'mediumaquamarine', 'V': 'darkcyan', 'Mg': 'sandybrown', 'MgH': 'lawngreen', 'Mg(OH)2': 'orangered', 'Fe': 'royalblue', 'FeH': 'wheat', 'Fe(OH)2': 'tan', 'F': 'yellow', 'OAlF2': 'sienna', 'TiF3': 'saddlebrown', 'AlF': 'orange', 'HF': 'lightblue', 'MnH': 'lime', 'Mn': 'rebeccapurple', 'PN': 'palegoldenrod', 'P': 'peachpuff', '(P2O3)2': 'cadetblue'}
chemcat.utils.thermochemical_equilibrium(pressure, temperature, element_rel_abundance, stoich_vals, gibbs_funcs, tolx=2.22e-16, tolf=2.22e-16)[source]
Low-level function to compute thermochemical equilibrium for the
given chemical network at the specified temperature--pressure

pressure: 1D float array
    Pressure profile (bar).
temperature: 1D float array
    Temperature profile (Kelvin).
element_rel_abundance: 1D float array
    Elemental abundances (relative to H=1.0).
stoich_vals: 2D float array
    Species stoichiometric values for CHON.
gibbs_funcs: 1D iterable of callable functions
    Functions that return the Gibbs free energy (divided by RT)
    for each species in the network.
tolx: float
    Relative error desired for convergence in the sum of squares.
tolf: float
    Relative error desired for convergence in the approximate solution.

vmr: 2D float array
    Species volume mixing ratios in thermochemical equilibrium
    of shape [nlayers, nspecies].
chemcat.utils.thermo_eval(temperature, thermo_funcs)[source]
Low-level function to compute the thermochemical property
specified by thermo_func at at the requested temperature(s).
These can be, e.g., the heat_capacity or gibbs_free_energy
functions returned by setup_network().

Normally you want to use this function via the heat_capacity()
and gibbs_free_energy() methods of the chemcat.Network() object.

temperature: float or 1D float iterable
    Temperature (Kelvin).
thermo_funcs: 1D iterable of callable functions
    Functions that return the thermochemical property.

thermo_prop: 1D or 2D float array
    The provided thermochemical property evaluated at the requested
    The shape of the output depends on the shape of the
    temperature input.

>>> import chemcat as cat
>>> import chemcat.janaf as janaf
>>> import chemcat.utils as u
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> import numpy as np

>>> molecules = (
>>>     'H2O CH4 CO CO2 NH3 N2 H2 HCN OH C2H2 C2H4 H He C N O').split()
>>> janaf_data = janaf.setup_network(molecules)
>>> species = janaf_data[0]
>>> heat_funcs = janaf_data[1]
>>> gibbs_funcs = janaf_data[2]

>>> temperature = 1500.0
>>> temperatures = np.arange(100.0, 4501.0, 10)
>>> cp1 = u.thermo_eval(temperature, heat_funcs)
>>> cp2 = u.thermo_eval(temperatures, heat_funcs)
>>> gibbs = u.thermo_eval(temperatures, gibbs_funcs)

>>> nspecies = len(species)
>>> plt.figure('Heat capacity, Gibbs free energy', (8.5, 4.5))
>>> plt.clf()
>>> plt.subplot(121)
>>> for j in range(nspecies):
>>>     label = species[j]
>>>     plt.plot(
>>>         temperatures, cp2[:,j], label=label, c=u.COLOR_DICT[label],
>>>     )
>>> plt.xlim(np.amin(temperatures), np.amax(temperatures))
>>> plt.plot(np.tile(temperature,nspecies), cp1, 'ob', ms=4, zorder=-1)
>>> plt.xlabel('Temperature (K)')
>>> plt.ylabel('Heat capacity / R')

>>> plt.subplot(122)
>>> for j in range(nspecies):
>>>     label = species[j]
>>>     plt.plot(
>>>         temperatures, gibbs[:,j], label=label, c=u.COLOR_DICT[label],
>>>     )
>>> plt.xlim(np.amin(temperatures), np.amax(temperatures))
>>> plt.legend(loc='upper right', fontsize=8)
>>> plt.xlabel('Temperature (K)')
>>> plt.ylabel('Gibbs free energy / RT')
>>> plt.tight_layout()
Compute matrix of stoichiometric values for the given stoichiometric
data for a network of species.

stoich_data: List of dictionaries
    Stoichiometric data (as dictionary of element-value pairs) for
    a list of species.

elements: 1D string array
    Elements for this chemical network.
stoich_vals: 2D integer array
    Array containing the stoichiometric values for the
    requested species sorted according to the species and elements

>>> import chemcat.utils as u
>>> stoich_data = [
>>>     {'H': 2.0, 'O': 1.0},
>>>     {'C': 1.0, 'H': 4.0},
>>>     {'C': 1.0, 'O': 2.0},
>>>     {'H': 2.0},
>>>     {'H': 1.0},
>>>     {'He': 1.0},
>>> ]
>>> elements, stoich_matrix = u.stoich_matrix(stoich_data)
>>> print(elements, stoich_matrix, sep='\n')
['C' 'H' 'He' 'O']
[[0 2 0 1]
 [1 4 0 0]
 [1 0 0 2]
 [0 2 0 0]
 [0 1 0 0]
 [0 0 1 0]]
Extract elemental abundances from a file (defaulted to a solar
elemental abundance file from Asplund et al. 2021).

element_file: String
    Path to a file containing a list of elements (second column)
    and their relative abundances in log10 scale relative to H=12.0
    (third column).

elements: 1D string array
    The list of elements.
dex_abundances: 1D float array
    The elemental abundances in dex units relative to H=12.0.

>>> import chemcat.utils as u

>>> element_file = f'{u.ROOT}chemcat/data/asplund_2021_solar_abundances.dat'
>>> elements, dex = u.read_elemental(element_file)
>>> for e in 'H He C N O'.split():
>>>     print(f'{e:2}:  {dex[elements==e][0]:6.3f}')
H :  12.000
He:  10.914
C :   8.460
N :   7.830
O :   8.690
chemcat.utils.set_element_abundance(elements, base_composition, base_dex_abundances, metallicity=0.0, e_abundances={}, e_scale={}, e_ratio={})[source]
Set an elemental composition by scaling metals and custom atomic species.

elements: 1D string array
    List of elements to return their abundances.
base_composition: 1D float array
    List of all possible elements.
base_dex_abundances: 1D float iterable
    The elemental base abundances in dex units relative to H=12.0.
metallicity: Float
    Scaling factor for all elemental species except H and He.
    Dex units relative to the sun (e.g., solar is metallicity=0.0,
    10x solar is metallicity=1.0).
e_abundances: Dictionary of element-abundance pairs
    Set custom elemental abundances.
    The dict contains the name of the element and their custom
    abundance in dex units relative to H=12.0.
    These values (if any) override metallicity.
e_scale: Dictionary of element-scaling pairs
    Set custom elemental abundances by scaling from its solar value.
    The dict contains the name of the element and their custom
    scaling factor in dex units, e.g., for 2x solar carbon set
    e_scale = {'C': np.log10(2.0)}.
    This argument modifies the abundances on top of any custom
    metallicity and e_abundances.
e_ratio: Dictionary of element-ratio pairs
    Set custom elemental abundances by scaling relative to another
    The dict contains the pair of elements joined by an underscore
    and their ratio, e.g., for a C/O ratio of 0.8 set
    e_ratio = {'C_O': 0.8}.
    These values scale on top of any custom metallicity,
    e_abundances, and e_scale.

elemental_abundances: 1D float array
    Elemental volume mixing ratios relative to H=1.0.

>>> import chemcat as cat
>>> import chemcat.utils as u

>>> element_file = f'{u.ROOT}chemcat/data/asplund_2021_solar_abundances.dat'
>>> sun_elements, sun_dex = u.read_elemental(element_file)
>>> elements = 'H He C N O'.split()

>>> solar = u.set_element_abundance(
>>>     elements, sun_elements, sun_dex,
>>> )

>>> # Set custom metallicity to [M/H] = 0.5:
>>> abund = u.set_element_abundance(
>>>     elements, sun_elements, sun_dex, metallicity=0.5,
>>> )
>>> for e,q in zip(elements, abund):
>>>     print(f'{e:3} {q:.3e}')
H   1.000e+00
He  8.204e-02
C   9.120e-04
N   2.138e-04
O   1.549e-03

>>> # Custom carbon abundance by direct value (dex):
>>> abund = u.set_element_abundance(
>>>     elements, sun_elements, sun_dex, e_abundances={'C': 8.8},
>>> )
>>> for e,q in zip(elements, abund):
>>>     print(f'{e:3} {q:.3e}')
H   1.000e+00
He  8.204e-02
C   6.310e-04
N   6.761e-05
O   4.898e-04

>>> # Custom carbon abundance by scaling to 2x its solar value:
>>> abund = u.set_element_abundance(
>>>     elements, sun_elements, sun_dex, e_scale={'C': np.log10(2)},
>>> )
>>> for e,q in zip(elements, abund):
>>>     print(f'{e:3} {q:.3e}')
H   1.000e+00
He  8.204e-02
C   5.768e-04
N   6.761e-05
O   4.898e-04

>>> # Custom carbon abundance by scaling to C/O = 0.8:
>>> abund = u.set_element_abundance(
>>>     elements, sun_elements, sun_dex, e_ratio={'C_O': 0.8},
>>> )
>>> for e,q in zip(elements, abund):
>>>     print(f'{e:3} {q:.3e}')
H   1.000e+00
He  8.204e-02
C   3.918e-04
N   6.761e-05
O   4.898e-04
chemcat.utils.de_aliasing(input_species, sources)[source]
Get the right species names as given in the selected database.

input_species: List of strings
    List of species names.
sources: String or 1D iterable of strings
    The desired database sources.

output_species: List of strings
    Species names with aliases replaced with the names
    as given in source database.

>>> import chemcat.utils as u
>>> input_species = ['H2O', 'C2H2', 'HO2', 'CO']
>>> sources = 'janaf'
>>> output_species = u.de_aliasing(input_species, sources)
>>> print(output_species)
['H2O', 'C2H2', 'HOO', 'CO']

>>> sources = 'cea'
>>> output_species = u.de_aliasing(input_species, sources)
>>> print(output_species)
['H2O', 'C2H2,acetylene', 'HO2', 'CO']
chemcat.utils.resolve_sources(species, sources)[source]
For each species in input, assign the right database proritizing
by the order in sources.
species: 1D interable of strings
    Species to assign a database source.
sources: 1D iterable of strings
    List of database sources in order of priority.
source_names: 1D array of strings
    Array with the assigned database to each species.
    If none found, leave value as None.
>>> import chemcat.utils as u
>>> species = 'H2O CO (KOH)2 HO2'.split()
>>> # Prioritize JANAF:
>>> sources1 = u.resolve_sources(species, sources=['janaf', 'cea'])
>>> # Prioritize CEA:
>>> sources2 = u.resolve_sources(species, sources=['cea', 'janaf'])
>>> # CEA exclusively:
>>> sources3 = u.resolve_sources(species, sources=['cea'])
>>> print(sources1, sources2, sources3, sep='\n')
['janaf' 'janaf' 'janaf' 'cea']
['cea' 'cea' 'janaf' 'cea']
['cea' 'cea' None 'cea']
chemcat.utils.resolve_colors(species, color_dict=None, color_list=None)[source]
Assign a color for each input neutral species (ions will have
the same color of a neutral form of the same species).

species: 1D string iterable
    The species that need to be assigned a color.
color_dict: dict
    A dict with predefined colors for species.
    It does not need to contain a value for all input species.
    Defaulted to u.COLOR_DICT.
color_list: 1D string iterable
    A list of color names to assing to the species that have not
    been assigned via color_dict.
    If there are more species than colors, then cycle over this
    Defaulted to u.COLORS.

colors: Dict
    Dict assigning a color to each of the (neutral) species.

>>> import chemcat.utils as u
>>> species = 'H He C H2 CH4 CO CO2 e- H+ H- H3+'.split()
>>> colors = u.resolve_colors(species)

>>> print(colors)
{'H': 'blue',
 'He': 'olive',
 'C': 'coral',
 'H2': 'deepskyblue',
 'CH4': 'darkorange',
 'CO': 'limegreen',
 'CO2': 'red',
 'e': 'darkgreen',
 'H3': 'royalblue'}
chemcat.utils.plot_vmr(pressure, vmr, species, colors=None, vmr_range=None, fignum=320, title=None, fontsize=14, linewidth=2.0, rect=None, axis=None, savefig=None)[source]
Plot VMRs vs pressure.

pressure: 1D float iterable
    pressure array in bars.
vmr: 2D float array
    Volume mixing ratios of shape [nlayers, nspecies].
species: 1D string iterable
    Names of the species in vmr.
colors: 1D iterable of strings
    Color names to assign (sequentially) to the species.
    If None, default to chemcat.utils.COLOR_DICT values.
    Note that different ionic variations of a same species
    (e.g., H, H+, H-) are assigned a same color, but differ
    in line style.
vmr_range: 1D float iterable
    The plotting boundaries along the vmr axis.
fignum: integer or string
    The identifier of the figure.
title: Syting
    Title for the figure.
fontsize: Float
    Font size for labels texts. Legend texts will be fontsize-5.
linewidth: Float
    Width of VMR lines.
rect: 4-element float iterable
    Axis position (left, bottom, right, top).
    Note that legend will be placed to the right of this rect.
axis: AxesSubplot instance
    Axis where to draw the VMRs. If not None, overrides fignum.
savefig: String
    If not None, file name where to save the figure.

ax: AxesSubplot instance
    The matplotlib Axes of the figure.

>>> import chemcat as cat
>>> import chemcat.utils as u
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

>>> nlayers = 81
>>> temperature = np.tile(1500.0, nlayers)
>>> pressure = np.logspace(-8, 3, nlayers)
>>> molecs = (
>>>     'H2O CH4 CO CO2 NH3 N2 H2 HCN C2H2 C2H4 OH H He C N O '
>>>     'e- H- H+ H2+ He+ '
>>>     'Na Na- Na+ K K- K+ '
>>>     'Si S SiO SiH4 H2S HS SO SO2 SiS'
>>> ).split()

>>> net = cat.Network(pressure, temperature, molecs)
>>> vmr = net.thermochemical_equilibrium()
>>> ax = u.plot_vmr(pressure, vmr, net.species, vmr_range=(1e-20,3))
chemcat.utils.write_file(file, species, pressure, temperature, vmr)[source]
Write pressure, temperature, and vmr values to file.

file: String
    Output file name.
species: 1D string iterable
    Names of atmospheric species.
pressure: 1D float iterable
    Atmospheric pressure profile (bar).
temperature: 1D float iterable
    Atmospheric temperature profile (kelvin).
vmr: 2D float iterable
    Atmospheric volume mixing ratios, of shape [nspecies, nlayers].

>>> import chemcat as cat
>>> import numpy as np

>>> nlayers = 81
>>> temperature = np.tile(1200.0, nlayers)
>>> pressure = np.logspace(-8, 3, nlayers)
>>> molecules = 'H2O CH4 CO CO2 NH3 N2 H2 HCN OH H He C N O'.split()
>>> net = cat.Network(pressure, temperature, molecules)
>>> vmr = net.thermochemical_equilibrium()

>>> # Save results to file:
>>> cat.utils.write_file(
>>>     'chemcat_chemistry.dat', net.species, pressure, temperature, vmr,
>>> )
>>> # Read from file:
>>> d = cat.utils.read_file('chemcat_chemistry.dat')
Read a chemcat file.

file: String
    Path to file to read.

species: 1D string list
    Names of atmospheric species.
pressure: 1D float array
    Atmospheric pressure profile (bar).
temperature: 1D float array
    Atmospheric temperature profile (kelvin).
vmr: 2D float array
    Atmospheric volume mixing ratios, of shape [nspecies, nlayers].

>>> import chemcat.utils as u

>>> # Continuing from example in u.write_file(),
>>> # Read from file:
>>> species, pressure, temperature, vmr = u.read_file(
>>>     'chemcat_chemistry.dat')