Source code for chemcat.utils.utils

# Copyright (c) 2022-2024 Blecic and Cubillos
# chemcat is open-source software under the GPL-2.0 license (see LICENSE)

__all__ = [

import itertools
import os
from pathlib import Path
import sys
import warnings

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D

ROOT = str(Path(__file__).parents[2]) + os.path.sep

import _thermo as nr

# A long list of colors:
    'royalblue', 'darkorange', 'red', 'darkgreen', 'magenta',
    'blue', 'limegreen', 'gold', 'dimgray', 'navy',
    'deepskyblue', 'silver', 'black', 'olive', 'chocolate',
    'skyblue', 'darkviolet', 'greenyellow', 'pink', 'coral',
    'darkcyan', 'rosybrown', 'cornflowerblue', 'mediumvioletred', 'maroon',
    'darkgoldenrod', 'darkkhaki', 'hotpink', 'darkslateblue', 'lightgreen',
    'yellowgreen', 'seagreen', 'yellow', 'slateblue', 'sienna',
    'peachpuff', 'orangered', 'goldenrod', 'brown', 'khaki',
    # Unique line
    'saddlebrown', 'mediumseagreen', 'darksalmon', 'cadetblue',
    'mediumaquamarine', 'darkslategray', 'lightsteelblue', 'indigo',
    'lightcoral', 'lightslategray', 'lawngreen', 'lightblue',
    'darkseagreen', 'sandybrown', 'tan', 'slategray',
    'steelblue', 'wheat', 'mediumslateblue', 'mediumorchid',
    'cyan', 'springgreen', 'lime', 'dodgerblue', 'deeppink',
    'mediumblue', 'green', 'tomato', 'crimson', 'palegoldenrod',
    'lightsalmon', 'forestgreen', 'orchid', 'turquoise', 'darkolivegreen',
    'lightseagreen', 'violet', 'salmon', 'indianred', 'rebeccapurple',
    'peru', 'darkturquoise', 'lightskyblue', 'plum', 'aquamarine',
    'mediumspringgreen', 'orange', 'purple', 'midnightblue', 'darkgray',
    'darkorchid', 'blueviolet', 'teal', 'darkmagenta', 'palevioletred',
    'firebrick', 'mediumpurple', 'gainsboro',

    'H': 'blue',
    'H2': 'deepskyblue',
    'He': 'olive',
    # Carbons:
    'C': 'coral',
    'CH4': 'darkorange',
    'CO': 'limegreen',
    'CO2': 'red',
    'HCN': 'dimgray',
    'C2H2': 'pink',
    'C2H4': 'deeppink',
    # Nitrogens:
    'N': 'darkviolet',
    'NH3': 'magenta',
    'N2': 'gold',
    # Oxygens:
    'O': 'greenyellow',
    'H2O': 'navy',
    'OH': 'darkkhaki',
    # Silicons:
    'Si': 'lightslategray',
    'SiO': 'darkturquoise',
    'SiH4': 'mediumvioletred',
    # Alkali:
    'Na': 'silver',
    '(NaCl)2': 'maroon',
    '(NaOH)2': 'hotpink',
    'NaCl': 'rosybrown',
    'K': 'black',
    '(KCl)2': 'chocolate',
    '(KOH)2': 'darkslateblue',
    'KOH': 'lightgreen',
    'KCl': 'darksalmon',
    # Sulfurs:
    'S': 'cornflowerblue',
    'H2S': 'darkgoldenrod',
    'SH': 'yellowgreen',
    'SO': 'xkcd:green',
    'SO2': 'skyblue',
    'SiS': 'xkcd:wheat',
    # Aluminum:
    'Al': 'khaki',
    'AlOH': 'steelblue',
    'Al2O': 'seagreen',
    'OAlOH': 'tomato',
    'Ca': 'orange',
    'Ca(OH)2': 'xkcd:blue',
    'e': 'darkgreen',
    # Heavy metals:
    'Ti': 'crimson',
    'TiO': 'brown',
    'TiO2': 'indianred',
    'VO': 'aquamarine',
    'VO2': 'mediumaquamarine',
    'V': 'darkcyan',
    'Mg': 'sandybrown',
    'MgH': 'lawngreen',
    'Mg(OH)2': 'orangered',
    'Fe': 'royalblue',
    'FeH': 'wheat',
    'Fe(OH)2': 'tan',
    'F': 'yellow',
    'OAlF2': 'sienna',
    'TiF3': 'saddlebrown',
    'AlF': 'orange',
    'HF': 'lightblue',
    'MnH': 'lime',
    'Mn': 'rebeccapurple',
    'PN': 'palegoldenrod',
    'P': 'peachpuff',
    '(P2O3)2': 'cadetblue',

[docs] def thermochemical_equilibrium( pressure, temperature, element_rel_abundance, stoich_vals, gibbs_funcs, tolx=2.22e-16, tolf=2.22e-16, ): """ Low-level function to compute thermochemical equilibrium for the given chemical network at the specified temperature--pressure profile. Parameters ---------- pressure: 1D float array Pressure profile (bar). temperature: 1D float array Temperature profile (Kelvin). element_rel_abundance: 1D float array Elemental abundances (relative to H=1.0). stoich_vals: 2D float array Species stoichiometric values for CHON. gibbs_funcs: 1D iterable of callable functions Functions that return the Gibbs free energy (divided by RT) for each species in the network. tolx: float Relative error desired for convergence in the sum of squares. tolf: float Relative error desired for convergence in the approximate solution. Returns ------- vmr: 2D float array Species volume mixing ratios in thermochemical equilibrium of shape [nlayers, nspecies]. """ nlayers = len(pressure) nspecies, nelements = np.shape(stoich_vals) # Target elemental fractions (and charge) for conservation: b0 = element_rel_abundance / np.sum(element_rel_abundance) # Total elemental abundance as first guess for total species abundance: total_abundance = np.sum(b0) is_atom = element_rel_abundance > 0.0 # Maximum abundance reachable by each species # (i.e., species takes all available atoms) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore') max_abundances = np.array([ np.nanmin((b0/is_atom)[stoich>0] / stoich[stoich>0]) for stoich in stoich_vals ]) total_natoms = np.sum(stoich_vals*is_atom, axis=1) electron_index = total_natoms == 0 max_abundances[electron_index] = total_abundance # Initial guess for abundances of species, gets modified in-place # with best-fit values by nr.gibbs_energy_minimizer() abundances = np.copy(max_abundances) # Number of conservation equations to solve with Newton-Raphson nequations = nelements + 1 pilag = np.zeros(nelements) # pi lagrange multiplier x = np.zeros(nequations) vmr = np.zeros((nlayers, nspecies)) mu = np.zeros(nspecies) # chemical potential/RT h_ts = thermo_eval(temperature, gibbs_funcs).T + np.log(pressure) delta_ln_vmr = np.zeros(nspecies) # Compute thermochemical equilibrium abundances at each layer: # (Go down the layers and then sweep back up in case the first run # didn't get the global minimum) for i in itertools.chain(range(nlayers), reversed(range(nlayers))): abundances[abundances <= 0] = 1e-300 exit_status = nr.gibbs_energy_minimizer( nspecies, nequations, stoich_vals, b0, temperature[i], h_ts[:,i], pilag, abundances, max_abundances, total_abundance, mu, x, delta_ln_vmr, tolx, tolf, ) if exit_status == 1: print(f"Gibbs minimization failed at layer {i}") vmr[i] = abundances / np.sum(abundances[~electron_index]) return vmr
[docs] def thermo_eval(temperature, thermo_funcs): r""" Low-level function to compute the thermochemical property specified by thermo_func at at the requested temperature(s). These can be, e.g., the heat_capacity or gibbs_free_energy functions returned by setup_network(). Normally you want to use this function via the heat_capacity() and gibbs_free_energy() methods of the chemcat.Network() object. Parameters ---------- temperature: float or 1D float iterable Temperature (Kelvin). thermo_funcs: 1D iterable of callable functions Functions that return the thermochemical property. Returns ------- thermo_prop: 1D or 2D float array The provided thermochemical property evaluated at the requested temperature(s). The shape of the output depends on the shape of the temperature input. Examples -------- >>> import chemcat as cat >>> import chemcat.janaf as janaf >>> import chemcat.utils as u >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> import numpy as np >>> molecules = ( >>> 'H2O CH4 CO CO2 NH3 N2 H2 HCN OH C2H2 C2H4 H He C N O').split() >>> janaf_data = janaf.setup_network(molecules) >>> species = janaf_data[0] >>> heat_funcs = janaf_data[1] >>> gibbs_funcs = janaf_data[2] >>> temperature = 1500.0 >>> temperatures = np.arange(100.0, 4501.0, 10) >>> cp1 = u.thermo_eval(temperature, heat_funcs) >>> cp2 = u.thermo_eval(temperatures, heat_funcs) >>> gibbs = u.thermo_eval(temperatures, gibbs_funcs) >>> nspecies = len(species) >>> plt.figure('Heat capacity, Gibbs free energy', (8.5, 4.5)) >>> plt.clf() >>> plt.subplot(121) >>> for j in range(nspecies): >>> label = species[j] >>> plt.plot( >>> temperatures, cp2[:,j], label=label, c=u.COLOR_DICT[label], >>> ) >>> plt.xlim(np.amin(temperatures), np.amax(temperatures)) >>> plt.plot(np.tile(temperature,nspecies), cp1, 'ob', ms=4, zorder=-1) >>> plt.xlabel('Temperature (K)') >>> plt.ylabel('Heat capacity / R') >>> plt.subplot(122) >>> for j in range(nspecies): >>> label = species[j] >>> plt.plot( >>> temperatures, gibbs[:,j], label=label, c=u.COLOR_DICT[label], >>> ) >>> plt.xlim(np.amin(temperatures), np.amax(temperatures)) >>> plt.legend(loc='upper right', fontsize=8) >>> plt.xlabel('Temperature (K)') >>> plt.ylabel('Gibbs free energy / RT') >>> plt.tight_layout() """ temp = np.atleast_1d(temperature) ntemp = np.shape(temp)[0] nspecies = len(thermo_funcs) thermo_prop = np.zeros((ntemp, nspecies)) for j in range(nspecies): thermo_prop[:,j] = thermo_funcs[j](temp) if np.shape(temperature) == (): return np.squeeze(thermo_prop) return thermo_prop
[docs] def stoich_matrix(stoich_data): r""" Compute matrix of stoichiometric values for the given stoichiometric data for a network of species. Parameters ---------- stoich_data: List of dictionaries Stoichiometric data (as dictionary of element-value pairs) for a list of species. Returns ------- elements: 1D string array Elements for this chemical network. stoich_vals: 2D integer array Array containing the stoichiometric values for the requested species sorted according to the species and elements arrays. Examples -------- >>> import chemcat.utils as u >>> stoich_data = [ >>> {'H': 2.0, 'O': 1.0}, >>> {'C': 1.0, 'H': 4.0}, >>> {'C': 1.0, 'O': 2.0}, >>> {'H': 2.0}, >>> {'H': 1.0}, >>> {'He': 1.0}, >>> ] >>> elements, stoich_matrix = u.stoich_matrix(stoich_data) >>> print(elements, stoich_matrix, sep='\n') ['C' 'H' 'He' 'O'] [[0 2 0 1] [1 4 0 0] [1 0 0 2] [0 2 0 0] [0 1 0 0] [0 0 1 0]] """ elements = [] for s in stoich_data: elements += list(s.keys()) elements = sorted(set(elements)) nspecies = len(stoich_data) nelements = len(elements) stoich_vals = np.zeros((nspecies, nelements), int) for i in range(nspecies): for key,val in stoich_data[i].items(): j = elements.index(key) stoich_vals[i,j] = val elements = np.array(elements) return elements, stoich_vals
[docs] def read_elemental(element_file): """ Extract elemental abundances from a file (defaulted to a solar elemental abundance file from Asplund et al. 2021). Inputs ------ element_file: String Path to a file containing a list of elements (second column) and their relative abundances in log10 scale relative to H=12.0 (third column). Returns ------- elements: 1D string array The list of elements. dex_abundances: 1D float array The elemental abundances in dex units relative to H=12.0. Examples -------- >>> import chemcat.utils as u >>> element_file = f'{u.ROOT}chemcat/data/asplund_2021_solar_abundances.dat' >>> elements, dex = u.read_elemental(element_file) >>> for e in 'H He C N O'.split(): >>> print(f'{e:2}: {dex[elements==e][0]:6.3f}') H : 12.000 He: 10.914 C : 8.460 N : 7.830 O : 8.690 """ elements, dex = np.loadtxt( element_file, dtype=str, comments='#', usecols=(1,2), unpack=True) dex_abundances = np.array(dex, float) return elements, dex_abundances
[docs] def set_element_abundance( elements, base_composition, base_dex_abundances, metallicity=0.0, e_abundances={}, e_scale={}, e_ratio={}, ): """ Set an elemental composition by scaling metals and custom atomic species. Parameters ---------- elements: 1D string array List of elements to return their abundances. base_composition: 1D float array List of all possible elements. base_dex_abundances: 1D float iterable The elemental base abundances in dex units relative to H=12.0. metallicity: Float Scaling factor for all elemental species except H and He. Dex units relative to the sun (e.g., solar is metallicity=0.0, 10x solar is metallicity=1.0). e_abundances: Dictionary of element-abundance pairs Set custom elemental abundances. The dict contains the name of the element and their custom abundance in dex units relative to H=12.0. These values (if any) override metallicity. e_scale: Dictionary of element-scaling pairs Set custom elemental abundances by scaling relative to solar values in dex units. The dict contains the name of the element and their custom scaling factor in dex units, e.g., for 5x solar carbon set e_scale = {'C': 0.7}. # log10(5.0) = 0.7 This argument modifies overrides metallicity and e_abundances. e_ratio: Dictionary of element-ratio pairs Set custom elemental abundances by scaling relative to another element. The dict contains the pair of elements joined by an underscore and their ratio, e.g., for a C/O ratio of 0.8 set e_ratio = {'C_O': 0.8}. These values scale on top of any custom metallicity, e_abundances, and e_scale. Returns ------- elemental_abundances: 1D float array Elemental volume mixing ratios relative to H=1.0. Examples -------- >>> import chemcat as cat >>> import chemcat.utils as u >>> element_file = f'{u.ROOT}chemcat/data/asplund_2021_solar_abundances.dat' >>> sun_elements, sun_dex = u.read_elemental(element_file) >>> elements = 'H He C N O'.split() >>> solar = u.set_element_abundance( >>> elements, sun_elements, sun_dex, >>> ) >>> # Set custom metallicity to [M/H] = 0.5: >>> abund = u.set_element_abundance( >>> elements, sun_elements, sun_dex, metallicity=0.5, >>> ) >>> for e,q in zip(elements, abund): >>> print(f'{e:3} {q:.3e}') H 1.000e+00 He 8.204e-02 C 9.120e-04 N 2.138e-04 O 1.549e-03 >>> # Custom carbon abundance by direct value (dex): >>> abund = u.set_element_abundance( >>> elements, sun_elements, sun_dex, e_abundances={'C': 8.8}, >>> ) >>> for e,q in zip(elements, abund): >>> print(f'{e:3} {q:.3e}') H 1.000e+00 He 8.204e-02 C 6.310e-04 N 6.761e-05 O 4.898e-04 >>> # Custom carbon abundance by scaling to 2x its solar value: >>> abund = u.set_element_abundance( >>> elements, sun_elements, sun_dex, e_scale={'C': np.log10(2)}, >>> ) >>> for e,q in zip(elements, abund): >>> print(f'{e:3} {q:.3e}') H 1.000e+00 He 8.204e-02 C 5.768e-04 N 6.761e-05 O 4.898e-04 >>> # Custom carbon abundance by scaling to C/O = 0.8: >>> abund = u.set_element_abundance( >>> elements, sun_elements, sun_dex, e_ratio={'C_O': 0.8}, >>> ) >>> for e,q in zip(elements, abund): >>> print(f'{e:3} {q:.3e}') H 1.000e+00 He 8.204e-02 C 3.918e-04 N 6.761e-05 O 4.898e-04 """ nelements = len(elements) elemental_abundances = np.zeros(nelements) for j in range(nelements): if elements[j] == 'e': continue idx = list(base_composition).index(elements[j]) elemental_abundances[j] = base_dex_abundances[idx] # Scale the metals' abundances: imetals = np.isin(elements, 'H He D'.split(), invert=True) elemental_abundances[imetals] += metallicity # Set custom elemental abundances: for element, abundance in e_abundances.items(): i = np.array(elements) == element elemental_abundances[i] = abundance # Scale custom elemental abundances (overwrite metallicity): for element, fscale in e_scale.items(): i = np.array(elements) == element i_base = np.array(base_composition) == element elemental_abundances[i] = base_dex_abundances[i_base] + fscale # Set custom elemental ratios: for element, ratio in e_ratio.items(): element1, element2 = element.split('_') i1 = np.array(elements) == element1 i2 = np.array(elements) == element2 log_ratio = np.log10(ratio) elemental_abundances[i1] = elemental_abundances[i2] + log_ratio # Convert elemental log VMR (relative to H=12.0) to VMR (rel. to H=1.0): elemental_abundances = 10**(elemental_abundances-12.0) elemental_abundances[np.array(elements) == 'e'] = 0.0 return elemental_abundances
[docs] def de_aliasing(input_species, sources): """ Get the right species names as given in the selected database. Parameters ---------- input_species: List of strings List of species names. sources: String or 1D iterable of strings The desired database sources. Returns ------- output_species: List of strings Species names with aliases replaced with the names as given in source database. Examples -------- >>> import chemcat.utils as u >>> input_species = ['H2O', 'C2H2', 'HO2', 'CO'] >>> sources = 'janaf' >>> output_species = u.de_aliasing(input_species, sources) >>> print(output_species) ['H2O', 'C2H2', 'HOO', 'CO'] >>> sources = 'cea' >>> output_species = u.de_aliasing(input_species, sources) >>> print(output_species) ['H2O', 'C2H2,acetylene', 'HO2', 'CO'] """ if isinstance(sources, str): sources = [sources] # Get lists of species names aliases: whites = f'{ROOT}chemcat/data/white_pages.txt' aliases = [] for line in open(whites, 'r'): if line.startswith('#'): continue aliases.append(line.split()) all_aliases = np.concatenate(aliases) source_index = { 'janaf': 0, 'cea': 1, } output_species = [] for species in input_species: if species not in all_aliases: output_species.append(species) continue # Find set of aliases: for alias in aliases: if species in alias: break # Search source in priority order: for source in sources: alias_name = alias[source_index[source]] if alias_name != 'None': output_species.append(alias_name) break else: output_species.append(species) return output_species
[docs] def resolve_sources(species, sources): r""" For each species in input, assign the right database proritizing by the order in sources. Parameters ---------- species: 1D interable of strings Species to assign a database source. sources: 1D iterable of strings List of database sources in order of priority. Returns ------- source_names: 1D array of strings Array with the assigned database to each species. If none found, leave value as None. Examples -------- >>> import chemcat.utils as u >>> species = 'H2O CO (KOH)2 HO2'.split() >>> # Prioritize JANAF: >>> sources1 = u.resolve_sources(species, sources=['janaf', 'cea']) >>> # Prioritize CEA: >>> sources2 = u.resolve_sources(species, sources=['cea', 'janaf']) >>> # CEA exclusively: >>> sources3 = u.resolve_sources(species, sources=['cea']) >>> print(sources1, sources2, sources3, sep='\n') ['janaf' 'janaf' 'janaf' 'cea'] ['cea' 'cea' 'janaf' 'cea'] ['cea' 'cea' None 'cea'] """ # Need to import here to avoid circular import error in Python 3.6: from .. import janaf from .. import cea if isinstance(sources, str): sources = [sources] nspecies = len(species) source_names = np.tile(None, nspecies) for source in sources: if source == 'janaf': in_janaf = janaf.is_in(species) is_missing = [name is None for name in source_names] source_names[is_missing & in_janaf] = 'janaf' elif source == 'cea': in_cea = cea.is_in(species) is_missing = [name is None for name in source_names] source_names[is_missing & in_cea] = 'cea' return source_names
[docs] def resolve_colors(species, color_dict=None, color_list=None): """ Assign a color for each input neutral species (ions will have the same color of a neutral form of the same species). Parameters ---------- species: 1D string iterable The species that need to be assigned a color. color_dict: dict A dict with predefined colors for species. It does not need to contain a value for all input species. Defaulted to u.COLOR_DICT. color_list: 1D string iterable A list of color names to assing to the species that have not been assigned via color_dict. If there are more species than colors, then cycle over this list. Defaulted to u.COLORS. Returns ------- colors: Dict Dict assigning a color to each of the (neutral) species. Examples -------- >>> import chemcat.utils as u >>> species = 'H He C H2 CH4 CO CO2 e- H+ H- H3+'.split() >>> colors = u.resolve_colors(species) >>> print(colors) {'H': 'blue', 'He': 'olive', 'C': 'coral', 'H2': 'deepskyblue', 'CH4': 'darkorange', 'CO': 'limegreen', 'CO2': 'red', 'e': 'darkgreen', 'H3': 'royalblue'} """ if color_list is not None and color_dict is None: color_dict = {} if color_dict is None: color_dict = COLOR_DICT if color_list is None: color_list = COLORS # Get all neutral species (plus electron): neutral_species = [] for spec in species: neutral = spec.replace('-','').replace('+','') if neutral not in neutral_species: neutral_species.append(neutral) dicted_colors = [ color_dict[spec] for spec in neutral_species if spec in color_dict ] remaining_colors = [ color for color in color_list if color not in dicted_colors ] # Put dict_colors at the end, create an infinite cycle: colors_cycle = itertools.cycle(remaining_colors+dicted_colors) # Assign colors to each neutral species: # Species listed in dict: colors = { spec: color_dict[spec] for spec in neutral_species if spec in color_dict } # Remaining species: other_colors = { spec: next(colors_cycle) for spec in neutral_species if spec not in colors } colors.update(other_colors) return colors
[docs] def plot_vmr( pressure, vmr, species, colors=None, vmr_range=None, fignum=320, title=None, fontsize=14, linewidth=2.0, rect=None, axis=None, savefig=None, show_legends=True, ): """ Plot VMRs vs pressure. Parameters ---------- pressure: 1D float iterable pressure array in bars. vmr: 2D float array Volume mixing ratios of shape [nlayers, nspecies]. species: 1D string iterable Names of the species in vmr. colors: 1D iterable of strings Color names to assign (sequentially) to the species. If None, default to chemcat.utils.COLOR_DICT values. Note that different ionic variations of a same species (e.g., H, H+, H-) are assigned a same color, but differ in line style. vmr_range: 1D float iterable The plotting boundaries along the vmr axis. fignum: integer or string The identifier of the figure. title: Syting Title for the figure. fontsize: Float Font size for labels texts. Legend texts will be fontsize-5. linewidth: Float Width of VMR lines. rect: 4-element float iterable Axis position (left, bottom, right, top). Note that legend will be placed to the right of this rect. axis: AxesSubplot instance Axis where to draw the VMRs. If not None, overrides fignum. savefig: String If not None, file name where to save the figure. show_legends: Bool Flag indicating whether legends should be plotted. Returns ------- ax: AxesSubplot instance The matplotlib Axes of the figure. Examples -------- >>> import chemcat as cat >>> import chemcat.utils as u >>> import numpy as np >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> nlayers = 81 >>> temperature = np.tile(1500.0, nlayers) >>> pressure = np.logspace(-8, 3, nlayers) >>> molecs = ( >>> 'H2O CH4 CO CO2 NH3 N2 H2 HCN C2H2 C2H4 OH H He C N O ' >>> 'e- H- H+ H2+ He+ ' >>> 'Na Na- Na+ K K- K+ ' >>> 'Si S SiO SiH4 H2S SH SO SO2 SiS' >>> ).split() >>> net = cat.Network(pressure, temperature, molecs) >>> vmr = net.thermochemical_equilibrium() >>> ax = u.plot_vmr(pressure, vmr, net.species, vmr_range=(1e-20,3)) """ species = list(species) legend_loc = 'upper left' if rect is not None: position = rect[0], rect[1], rect[2]-rect[0], rect[3]-rect[1] elif axis is not None: position = axis.get_position().bounds else: if show_legends: position = 0.09, 0.11, 0.79, 0.83 legend_loc = (1.01, 0.0) else: position = 0.09, 0.11, 0.87, 0.83 if fignum == 316: fignum = 'Plotty McPltFace' # neutralized names: neutral_species = [] for spec in species: neutral = spec.replace('-','').replace('+','') if neutral not in neutral_species: neutral_species.append(neutral) if colors is None: colors = resolve_colors(species) else: colors = { spec: color for spec,color in zip(neutral_species, colors) } dashes = { 'neutral': (), 'cation': (5.0, 1.5), 'ion': (2.0, 0.75), } labels = ['neutral', 'cation', 'ion'] ion_handles = [ Line2D([], [], color='k', lw=1.5, dashes=dashes[label], label=label) for label in labels ] has_ions = np.any(['+' in spec or '-' in spec for spec in species]) # Get on with the plot: if axis is None: fig = plt.figure(fignum, (8.5,5.0)) plt.clf() ax = plt.subplot(111) else: ax = axis fig = ax.get_figure() ax.set_position(position) for name in species: charge = int('+' in name) - int('-' in name) charge_label = labels[charge] spec = name.replace('+','').replace('-','') if charge == 0 or spec not in species: label = name else: label = None ax.loglog( vmr[:,species.index(name)], pressure, label=label, lw=linewidth, color=colors[spec], dashes=dashes[charge_label], ) ax.tick_params( which='both', right=True, top=True, direction='in', labelsize=fontsize-2, ) ax.set_ylim(np.amax(pressure), np.amin(pressure)) if vmr_range is not None: ax.set_xlim(vmr_range) ax.set_ylabel('Pressure (bar)', fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_xlabel('Volume mixing ratio', fontsize=fontsize) if title is not None: ax.set_title(title, fontsize=fontsize) ax.legend_args = { 'loc': legend_loc, 'fontsize': np.clip(fontsize-5, 5, np.inf), 'ncol': 1, 'columnspacing': 1.0, 'labelspacing': 0.0, 'handlelength': 1.5, } if show_legends: ion_legend = ax.legend( handles=ion_handles, fontsize=np.clip(fontsize-3, 5, np.inf), loc='lower left', labelspacing=0.1, framealpha=0.6, ) if has_ions: ax.add_artist(ion_legend) ax.legend(**ax.legend_args) # Matplotlib black magic: def on_draw(event): """This will be called once the figure is drawn""" ax = event.canvas.figure.vmr_axis legend = ax.get_legend() if ax is None or legend is None or not fig.update_position: return height_ratio = ( legend.get_window_extent().height / ax.get_window_extent().height ) ncols = int(height_ratio) + 1 if ncols > 1: if fig.update_position: ax.set_position([0.09, 0.11, 0.7, 0.83]) ax.legend_args['ncol'] = ncols ax.legend(**ax.legend_args) fig.canvas.draw() # Only run once: fig.canvas.mpl_disconnect(cid) fig.vmr_axis = ax fig.update_position = axis is None and rect is None and show_legends cid = fig.canvas.mpl_connect('draw_event', on_draw) if savefig is not None: plt.savefig(savefig) ax.colors = colors return ax
[docs] def write_file(file, species, pressure, temperature, vmr): """ Write pressure, temperature, and vmr values to file. Parameters ---------- file: String Output file name. species: 1D string iterable Names of atmospheric species. pressure: 1D float iterable Atmospheric pressure profile (bar). temperature: 1D float iterable Atmospheric temperature profile (kelvin). vmr: 2D float iterable Atmospheric volume mixing ratios, of shape [nspecies, nlayers]. Examples -------- >>> import chemcat as cat >>> import numpy as np >>> nlayers = 81 >>> temperature = np.tile(1200.0, nlayers) >>> pressure = np.logspace(-8, 3, nlayers) >>> molecules = 'H2O CH4 CO CO2 NH3 N2 H2 HCN OH H He C N O'.split() >>> net = cat.Network(pressure, temperature, molecules) >>> vmr = net.thermochemical_equilibrium() >>> # Save results to file: >>> cat.utils.write_file( >>> 'chemcat_chemistry.dat', net.species, pressure, temperature, vmr, >>> ) >>> # Read from file: >>> d = cat.utils.read_file('chemcat_chemistry.dat') """ str_species = ' '.join(f'{spec:<15}' for spec in species) with open(file, 'w') as f: # Header: f.write( '# chemcat chemistry composition calculation ' '(bar, K, volume mixing ratios)\n' f'# pressure temperature {str_species.rstrip()}\n\n' ) # Per-layer data: for press, temp, vmr_layer in zip(pressure, temperature, vmr): str_vmr = ' '.join(f'{q:<15.8e}' for q in vmr_layer) f.write(f'{press:.8e} {temp:8.2f} {str_vmr}\n')
[docs] def read_file(file): r""" Read a chemcat file. Parameters ---------- file: String Path to file to read. Returns ------- species: 1D string list Names of atmospheric species. pressure: 1D float array Atmospheric pressure profile (bar). temperature: 1D float array Atmospheric temperature profile (kelvin). vmr: 2D float array Atmospheric volume mixing ratios, of shape [nspecies, nlayers]. Examples -------- >>> import chemcat.utils as u >>> # Continuing from example in u.write_file(), >>> # Read from file: >>> species, pressure, temperature, vmr = u.read_file( >>> 'chemcat_chemistry.dat') """ with open(file, 'r') as f: _= f.readline() header = f.readline() species = header.split()[3:] data = np.loadtxt(file, unpack=True) pressure = data[0] temperature = data[1] vmr = data[2:].T return species, pressure, temperature, vmr