Source code for chemcat.cea.cea

# Copyright (c) 2022-2024 Blecic and Cubillos
# chemcat is open-source software under the GPL-2.0 license (see LICENSE)

__all__ = [

import sys
from import Iterable

from more_itertools import sliced
import numpy as np

from ..utils import ROOT
import _utils as u

[docs] def is_in(species, thermo_file=None): r""" Element-wise check whether species name exist in CEA database. Parameters ---------- species: 1D iterable of strings Names of species to search in the database. thermo_file: String Optional ThermoBuild CEA database file path. Returns ------- in_database: 1D bool array Flag whether each species is in the database. Examples -------- >>> import chemcat.cea as cea >>> species = 'H2O (KOH)2 HO2 CO'.split() >>> in_cea = cea.is_in(species) >>> for spec, is_in in zip(species, in_cea): >>> print(f'{spec:6s} {is_in}') H2O True (KOH)2 False HO2 True CO True """ if thermo_file is None: thermo_file = f'{ROOT}chemcat/data/thermo_build_cea.dat' with open(thermo_file, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() nlines = len(lines) all_species = [] i = 0 while i < nlines: line = lines[i] all_species.append(line[0:16].strip()) line = lines[i+1] ndata_intervals = int(line[0:2]) i += 2 + 3*ndata_intervals in_database = np.isin(species, all_species) return in_database
[docs] def read_thermo_build(species, thermo_file=None): """ Read data from NASA's CEA thermoBuild file. Parameters ---------- species: 1D iterable of string List of species names to extract their info. thermo_file: String Path to a file containing CEA ThermoBuild data. Returns ------- thermo_data: Dict A dictionary containing the species thermal properties from the CEA database (one entry for each species): name: String Species name. stoich: Dict Stoichiometric value of the species as element-value pairs. a_coeffs: 2D float ndarray Polynomial coefficients to reproduce the heat capacity data. b_coeffs: 2D float ndarray Integration constants to obtain the enthalpy and entropy. t_coeffs: 1D float ndarray Temperature intervals of validity for each set of coefficients. Examples -------- >>> import chemcat.cea as cea >>> # A simple HCNO network: >>> hcno_species = 'H2O CH4 CO CO2 NH3 HCN N2 H2 H He'.split() >>> hcno_thermo_data = cea.read_thermo_build(hcno_species) >>> # Network will all species from the database: >>> all_thermo_data = cea.read_thermo_build(species=None) """ if thermo_file is None: thermo_file = f'{ROOT}chemcat/data/thermo_build_cea.dat' with open(thermo_file, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() nlines = len(lines) all_species = [] loc_species = [] i = 0 ndata_max = 0 while i < nlines: line = lines[i] all_species.append(line[0:16].strip()) loc_species.append(i) line = lines[i+1] ndata_intervals = int(line[0:2]) i += 2 + 3*ndata_intervals ndata_max = np.amax([ndata_max, ndata_intervals]) if species is None: species = all_species thermo_data = [] for species_name in species: if species_name not in all_species: print(f'{species_name} not in Thermo Build database') continue i = loc_species[all_species.index(species_name)] line = lines[i+1] ndata_intervals = int(line[0:2]) # Chemical composition: stoich = {} for element in sliced(line[10:50], 8): if element[0:2].strip() == '': break element_name = element[0:2].strip().capitalize() if element_name == 'E': element_name = 'e' stoich[element_name] = float(element[2:]) t_coeffs = np.zeros(ndata_max+1) a_coeffs = np.zeros((ndata_max,7)) b_coeffs = np.zeros((ndata_max,2)) for j in range(ndata_intervals): line = lines[i+3*j+2] t_coeffs[j:j+2] = line[0:22].split() line = lines[i+3*j+3].replace('D','E') a_coeffs[j,0:5] = list(sliced(line[0:80],16)) line = lines[i+3*j+4].replace('D','E') a_coeffs[j,5:7] = list(sliced(line[0:32],16)) b_coeffs[j] = list(sliced(line[48:80],16)) thermo_data.append({ 'name': species_name, 'stoich': stoich, 'a_coeffs': a_coeffs, 'b_coeffs': b_coeffs, 't_coeffs': t_coeffs, }) return thermo_data
[docs] def heat_func(a_coeffs, t_coeffs): """ Generate a callable that evaluates the molar heat capacity at a given temperature array. Parameters ---------- a_coeffs: 2D float ndarray Polynomial coefficients to reproduce the heat capacity data. t_coeffs: 1D float ndarray Temperature intervals of validity for each set of coefficients. Returns ------- heat: Callable A function heat(temperature) that evaluates the molar heat capacity, cp(T)/R, for a given temperature input (which can be a single value or a 1D iterable). Examples -------- >>> import chemcat.cea as cea >>> data = cea.read_thermo_build(['H2O'])[0] >>> heat = cea.heat_func( >>> data['a_coeffs'], data['t_coeffs']) >>> print(heat(300.0)) [4.04063805] >>> print(heat([300.0, 1000.0, 3000.0])) [4.04063805 4.96614188 6.8342561 ] """ def heat(temperature): if not isinstance(temperature, Iterable): temperature = [temperature] temperature = np.array(temperature, np.double) heat_capacity = u.heat( temperature, a_coeffs, t_coeffs) return heat_capacity return heat
[docs] def gibbs_func(a_coeffs, b_coeffs, t_coeffs): """ Generate a callable that evaluates the Gibbs free energy for a given temperature array. Parameters ---------- a_coeffs: 2D float ndarray Polynomial coefficients to reproduce the heat capacity data. b_coeffs: 2D float ndarray Integration constants to obtain the enthalpy and entropy. t_coeffs: 1D float ndarray Temperature intervals of validity for each set of coefficients. Returns ------- gibbs: Callable A function gibbs(temperature) that evaluates the Gibbs free energy, G(T)/RT, for a given temperature input (which can be a single value or a 1D iterable). Examples -------- >>> import chemcat.cea as cea >>> data = cea.read_thermo_build(['H2O'])[0] >>> gibbs = cea.gibbs_func( >>> data['a_coeffs'], data['b_coeffs'], data['t_coeffs']) >>> print(gibbs(300.0)) [-119.66025955] >>> print(gibbs([300.0, 1000.0, 3000.0])) [-119.66025955 -53.94898416 -39.09425268] """ def gibbs(temperature): if not isinstance(temperature, Iterable): temperature = [temperature] temperature = np.array(temperature, np.double) free_energy = u.gibbs( temperature, a_coeffs, b_coeffs, t_coeffs) return free_energy return gibbs
[docs] def setup_network(input_species): r""" Extract CEA thermal data for a requested chemical system. Parameters ---------- species: 1D string iterable Species to search in the CEA data base. Returns ------- species: 1D string array Species found in the CEA database (might differ from input_species if there are species not found on the database). heat_capacity: 1D list of callable objects Functions that evaluate the species's heat capacity (cp/R) at requested temperatures. gibbs_free_energy: 1D list of callable objects Functions that evaluate the species's Gibbs free energy (G/RT) at requested temperatures. stoich_data: List of dictionaries Stoichiometric data (as dictionary of element-value pairs) for a list of species. Examples -------- >>> import chemcat.cea as cea >>> molecules = 'H2O CH4 CO CO2 NH3 N2 H2 HCN OH H He C N O'.split() >>> species, heat_capacity, gibbs, stoich_data = \ >>> cea.setup_network(molecules) >>> for spec, stoich in zip(species, stoich_data): >>> print(f'{spec:3s}: {stoich}') H2O: {'H': 2.0, 'O': 1.0} CH4: {'C': 1.0, 'H': 4.0} CO : {'C': 1.0, 'O': 1.0} CO2: {'C': 1.0, 'O': 2.0} NH3: {'N': 1.0, 'H': 3.0} N2 : {'N': 2.0} H2 : {'H': 2.0} HCN: {'H': 1.0, 'C': 1.0, 'N': 1.0} OH : {'O': 1.0, 'H': 1.0} H : {'H': 1.0} He : {'He': 1.0} C : {'C': 1.0} N : {'N': 1.0} O : {'O': 1.0} """ # Find which species exists in data base: thermo_data = read_thermo_build(input_species) cea_species = [data['name'] for data in thermo_data] idx_missing = np.array([ spec not in cea_species for spec in input_species]) if np.any(idx_missing): missing_species = np.array(input_species)[idx_missing] print( 'These input species were not found in CEA database:\n' f' {missing_species}') species = np.array(input_species)[~idx_missing] heat_capacity = [] gibbs_free_energy = [] stoich_data = [] for data in thermo_data: heat_capacity.append( heat_func(data['a_coeffs'], data['t_coeffs'])) gibbs_free_energy.append( gibbs_func(data['a_coeffs'], data['b_coeffs'], data['t_coeffs'])) stoich_data.append(data['stoich']) return ( species, heat_capacity, gibbs_free_energy, stoich_data, )
[docs] def find_species(elements, charge='neutral', num_atoms=None): """ Find all CEA species that contain the specified properties (elements, charge, state). Parameters ---------- elements: Dict or 1D string iterable Either: - A list of elements that must be present in the species, or - A dictionary of elements and their stoichiometric values. charge: String If 'neutral', limit the output only to neutrally charged species. If 'ion', limit the output only to charged species. Else, do not limit output. num_atoms: Integer Limit the number of atoms to the requested value. Returns ------- species: 1D string array List of all species containing the required elements. Examples -------- >>> import chemcat.cea as cea >>> # Get all sodium-bearing species: >>> species = cea.find_species(['Na']) >>> print(species) ['KNa' 'Na' 'NaCN' 'NaH' 'NaNO2' 'NaNO3' 'NaO' 'NaOH' 'Na2' 'Na2O' 'Na2O2' 'Na2O2H2'] >>> # Get species containing exactly two Na atoms: >>> species = cea.find_species({'Na':2}) >>> print(species) ['Na2' 'Na2O' 'Na2O2' 'Na2O2H2'] >>> # Species containing exactly two Na atoms and any amount of oxygen: >>> species = cea.find_species({'Na':2, 'O':None}) >>> print(species) ['Na2O' 'Na2O2' 'Na2O2H2'] >>> # Get all species containing sodium and oxygen (any amount): >>> species = cea.find_species(['Na', 'O']) >>> print(species) ['NaNO2' 'NaNO3' 'NaO' 'NaOH' 'Na2O' 'Na2O2' 'Na2O2H2'] >>> # Get all hydrogen-ion species: >>> H_ions= cea.find_species(['H'], charge='ion') >>> print(H_ions) ['CH+' 'CH2OH+' 'H+' 'H-' 'HCO+' 'HD+' 'HO2-' 'H2+' 'H2-' 'H2O+' 'H3O+' 'NH+' 'NH4+' 'NaOH+' 'OH+' 'OH-' 'MgOH+' 'SH-' 'SiH+'] >>> # Only diatomic Na species: >>> diatomic = cea.find_species(['Na'], num_atoms=2, charge='all') >>> print(diatomic) ['KNa' 'NaH' 'NaO' 'Na2'] """ # Turn into dict if needed: if not isinstance(elements, dict): elements = {e:None for e in elements} with open(f'{ROOT}chemcat/data/thermo_build_cea.dat', 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() nlines = len(lines) species = [] i = 0 while i < nlines: line = lines[i] name = line[0:16].strip() line = lines[i+1] ndata_intervals = int(line[0:2]) i += 2 + 3*ndata_intervals stoich = {} for element in sliced(line[10:50], 8): if element[0:2].strip() == '': break element_name = element[0:2].strip().capitalize() if element_name == 'E': element_name = 'e' stoich[element_name] = float(element[2:]) is_charged = 'e' in stoich if charge == 'neutral' and is_charged: continue elif charge == 'ion' and not is_charged: continue if num_atoms is not None: n_atoms = sum([val for key,val in stoich.items() if key!='e']) if n_atoms != num_atoms: continue # Request selected stoichiometric values: for key, val in elements.items(): if key not in stoich or (val is not None and stoich[key] != val): break else: species.append(name) return np.array(species)