Source code for chemcat.janaf.janaf

# Copyright (c) 2022-2024 Blecic and Cubillos
# chemcat is open-source software under the GPL-2.0 license (see LICENSE)

__all__ = [

import more_itertools
import numpy as np
import scipy.interpolate as si
import scipy.constants as sc

from .. import utils as u

[docs] def is_in(species): r""" Element-wise check whether species name exist in CEA database. Parameters ---------- species: 1D iterable of strings Names of species to search in the database. Returns ------- in_database: 1D bool array Flag whether each species is in the database. Examples -------- >>> import chemcat.janaf as janaf >>> species = 'H2O (KOH)2 HO2 CO'.split() >>> in_janaf = janaf.is_in(species) >>> for spec, is_in in zip(species, in_janaf): >>> print(f'{spec:6s} {is_in}') H2O True (KOH)2 True HO2 False CO True """ species = np.atleast_1d(species) janaf_names = [ line.split()[0] for line in open(f'{u.ROOT}chemcat/data/janaf_conversion.txt', 'r') ] in_database = np.isin(species, janaf_names) return in_database
[docs] def get_filenames(species): """ Convert species names to their respective JANAF file names. Parameters ---------- species: String or 1D string iterable Species to search. Returns ------- janaf_names: 1D string array Array of janaf filenames. If a species is not found, return None in its place. Examples -------- >>> import chemcat.janaf as janaf >>> species = 'H2O CH4 CO CO2 H2 e- H- H+ H2+ Na'.split() >>> janaf_species = janaf.get_filenames(species) >>> for mol, jname in zip(species, janaf_species): >>> print(f'{mol:5} {jname}') H2O H-064.txt CH4 C-067.txt CO C-093.txt CO2 C-095.txt H2 H-050.txt e- D-020.txt H- H-003.txt H+ H-002.txt H2+ H-051.txt Na Na-005.txt """ species = np.atleast_1d(species) janaf_dict = {} for line in open(f'{u.ROOT}chemcat/data/janaf_conversion.txt', 'r'): species_name, janaf_name = line.split() janaf_dict[species_name] = janaf_name janaf_names = [ janaf_dict[molec] if molec in janaf_dict else None for molec in species ] return janaf_names
[docs] def read_file(janaf_file): """ Read a JANAF file to extract tabulated thermal properties. Parameters ---------- janaf_file: 1D string array A JANAF filename. Returns ------- temps: 1D double array Tabulated JANAF temperatures (K). heat_capacity: 1D double array Tabulated JANAF heat capacity cp/R (unitless). gibbs_free_energy: 1D double array Tabulated JANAF Gibbs free energy G/RT (unitless). Examples -------- >>> import chemcat.janaf as janaf >>> janaf_file = 'H-064.txt' # Water >>> temps, heat, gibbs = janaf.read_file(janaf_file) >>> for i in range(5): >>> print(f'{temps[i]:6.2f} {heat[i]:.3f} {gibbs[i]:.3f}') 100.00 4.005 -317.133 200.00 4.011 -168.505 298.15 4.040 -120.263 300.00 4.041 -119.662 400.00 4.121 -95.583 >>> temps, heat, gibbs = janaf.read_file(janaf_file) >>> for i in range(5): >>> print(f'{temps[i]:6.2f} {heat[i]:.3f}') 298.15 2.500 -2.523 300.00 2.500 -2.523 350.00 2.500 -2.554 400.00 2.500 -2.621 450.00 2.500 -2.709 """ janaf_data = np.genfromtxt( f'{u.ROOT}chemcat/data/janaf/{janaf_file}', skip_header=3, usecols=(0,1,3,5), delimiter='\t', filling_values=np.nan, unpack=True, ) temps = janaf_data[0] heat_capacity = janaf_data[1] / sc.R # # Page 15 df_H298 = janaf_data[3][temps==298.15] gibbs_free_energy = (-janaf_data[2] + df_H298*1000.0/temps) / sc.R idx_valid = np.isfinite(heat_capacity) return ( temps[idx_valid], heat_capacity[idx_valid], gibbs_free_energy[idx_valid], )
[docs] def read_stoich(species=None, janaf_file=None, formula=None): """ Get the stoichiometric data from the JANAF data base for the requested species. Parameters ---------- species: String A species name (takes precedence over janaf_file argument). janaf_file: String A JANAF filename. formula: String A chemical formula in JANAF format (takes precedence over species and janaf_file arguments). Returns ------- stoich: Dictionary Dictionary containing the stoichiometric values for the requested species. The dict's keys are the elements/electron names and their values are the respective stoich values. Examples -------- >>> import chemcat.janaf as janaf >>> # From species name: >>> for species in 'C H2O e- H2+'.split(): >>> print(f'{species}: {janaf.read_stoich(species)}') C: {'C': 1.0} H2O: {'H': 2.0, 'O': 1.0} e-: {'e': 1.0} H2+: {'e': -1, 'H': 2.0} >>> # From JANAF filename: >>> print(janaf.read_stoich(janaf_file='H-064.txt')) {'H': 2.0, 'O': 1.0} >>> # Or directly from the chemical formula: >>> print(janaf.read_stoich(formula='H3O1+')) {'e': -1, 'H': 3.0, 'O': 1.0} """ # Get chemical formula (JANAF format): if formula is None and species is not None: janaf_file = get_filenames(species)[0] if formula is None and janaf_file is not None: with open(f'{u.ROOT}chemcat/data/janaf/{janaf_file}', 'r') as f: header = f.readline() formula = header.split('\t')[-1] formula = formula[0:formula.index('(')] if '-' in formula: stoich = {'e': 1} elif '+' in formula: stoich = {'e': -1} else: stoich = {} previous_type = formula[0].isalpha() word = '' groups = [] for letter in formula.replace('-','').replace('+',''): if letter.isalpha() != previous_type: groups.append(word) word = '' word += letter previous_type = letter.isalpha() groups.append(word) for e, num in more_itertools.chunked(groups,2): stoich[e] = float(num) return stoich
[docs] def setup_network(input_species): r""" Extract JANAF thermal data for a requested chemical network. Parameters ---------- species: 1D string iterable Species to search in the JANAF data base. Returns ------- species: 1D string array Species found in the JANAF database (might differ from input_species). heat_capacity_splines: 1D list of numpy splines Splines sampling the species' heat capacity/R. gibbs_free_energy: 1D list of callable objects Functions that return the species's Gibbs free energy, G/RT. stoich_data: List of Dictionaries Stoichiometric data (as dictionary of element-value pairs) for a list of species. Examples -------- >>> import chemcat.janaf as janaf >>> molecules = 'H2O CH4 CO CO2 NH3 N2 H2 HCN OH H He C N O'.split() >>> species, cp_funcs, gibbs_funcs, stoich_data = \ >>> janaf.setup_network(molecules) >>> for spec, stoich in zip(species, stoich_data): >>> print(f'{spec:3s}: {stoich}') H2O: {'H': 2.0, 'O': 1.0} CH4: {'C': 1.0, 'H': 4.0} CO : {'C': 1.0, 'O': 1.0} CO2: {'C': 1.0, 'O': 2.0} NH3: {'H': 3.0, 'N': 1.0} N2 : {'N': 2.0} H2 : {'H': 2.0} HCN: {'C': 1.0, 'H': 1.0, 'N': 1.0} OH : {'H': 1.0, 'O': 1.0} H : {'H': 1.0} He : {'He': 1.0} C : {'C': 1.0} N : {'N': 1.0} O : {'O': 1.0} """ # Find which species exists in data base: janaf_species = get_filenames(input_species) nspecies = len(input_species) idx_missing = np.array([janaf is None for janaf in janaf_species]) if np.any(idx_missing): missing_species = np.array(input_species)[idx_missing] print(f'These input species were not found:\n {missing_species}') species = np.array(input_species)[~idx_missing] janaf_files = np.array(janaf_species)[~idx_missing] nspecies = len(species) heat_capacity = [] gibbs_free_energy = [] stoich_data = [] for i in range(nspecies): janaf = janaf_files[i] janaf_data = read_file(janaf) temp = janaf_data[0] heat = janaf_data[1] gibbs = janaf_data[2] h_interp = si.interp1d(temp, heat, fill_value='extrapolate') g_interp = si.interp1d( temp, gibbs, fill_value='extrapolate', kind='cubic', ) heat_capacity.append(h_interp) gibbs_free_energy.append(g_interp) stoich_data.append(read_stoich(janaf_file=janaf)) return ( species, heat_capacity, gibbs_free_energy, stoich_data, )
[docs] def find_species(elements, charge='neutral', num_atoms=None, state='gas'): """ Find all JANAF species that contain the specified properties (elements, charge, state). Parameters ---------- elements: Dict or 1D string iterable Either: - A list of elements that must be present in the species, or - A dictionary of elements and their stoichiometric values. charge: String If 'neutral', limit the output only to neutrally charged species. If 'ion', limit the output only to charged species. Else, do not limit output. num_atoms: Integer Limit the number of atoms to the requested value. state: String If 'gas', limit the output to gaseous species. Returns ------- species: 1D string array List of all species containing the required elements. Examples -------- >>> import chemcat.janaf as janaf >>> # Get all sodium-bearing species: >>> salts = janaf.find_species(['Na']) >>> print(salts) ['LiONa' 'Na2' 'Na2SO4' 'NaAlF4' 'NaBO2' '(NaBr)2' 'NaBr' '(NaCl)2' 'NaCl' '(NaCN)2' 'NaCN' '(NaF)2' 'NaF' 'Na' 'NaH' 'NaO' '(NaOH)2' 'NaOH'] >>> # Get species containing exactly two Na atoms: >>> species = janaf.find_species({'Na':2}) >>> print(species) ['Na2' 'Na2SO4' '(NaBr)2' '(NaCl)2' '(NaCN)2' '(NaF)2' '(NaOH)2'] >>> # Species containing exactly two Na atoms and any amount of oxygen: >>> species = janaf.find_species({'Na':2, 'O':None}) >>> print(species) ['Na2SO4' '(NaOH)2'] >>> # Get all species containing sodium and oxygen (any amount): >>> species = janaf.find_species(['Na', 'O']) >>> print(species) ['LiONa' 'Na2SO4' 'NaBO2' 'NaO' '(NaOH)2' 'NaOH'] >>> # Get all hydrogen-ion species: >>> H_ions = janaf.find_species(['H'], charge='ion') >>> print(H_ions) ['AlOH-' 'AlOH+' 'BaOH+' 'BeH+' 'BeOH+' 'CaOH+' 'CH+' 'CsOH+' 'H2-' 'H2+' 'H3O+' 'HBO-' 'HBO+' 'HBS+' 'HCO+' 'HD-' 'HD+' 'H-' 'H+' 'KOH+' 'LiOH+' 'MgOH+' 'NaOH+' 'OH-' 'OH+' 'SiH+' 'SrOH+'] >>> # Only diatomic Na species: >>> diatomic = janaf.find_species(['Na'], num_atoms=2, charge='all') >>> print(diatomic) ['Na2' 'NaBr' 'NaCl' 'NaF' 'NaH' 'NaO' 'NaO-'] """ # Turn into dict if needed: if not isinstance(elements, dict): elements = {e:None for e in elements} janaf_dict = {} for line in open(f'{u.ROOT}chemcat/data/janaf_conversion.txt', 'r'): species_name, janaf_name = line.split() janaf_dict[species_name] = janaf_name species = [] for molec, janaf_file in janaf_dict.items(): if state == 'gas' and '_' in molec: continue is_charged = '+' in molec or '-' in molec if charge == 'neutral' and is_charged: continue elif charge == 'ion' and not is_charged: continue stoich = read_stoich(janaf_file=janaf_file) if num_atoms is not None: n_atoms = sum([val for key,val in stoich.items() if key!='e']) if n_atoms != num_atoms: continue # Request selected stoichiometric values: for key, val in elements.items(): if key not in stoich or (val is not None and stoich[key] != val): break else: species.append(molec) return np.array(species)